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countries legalized same-sex marriage

Out of 196 countries in the world, there are 36 countries legalized same-sex marriage.

This is a great achievement for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.

However, it was not easy to get here. Many same-sex couples faced discrimination, violence and injustice for years before they could celebrate their love legally.


Recognition of same-sex partnership

In 1989, Denmark made a significant progress towards equality when it became the first country to recognize same-sex partnerships.

This granted them most of the same legal and financial benefits and responsibilities as married heterosexual couples, such as inheritance rights.


🎉 First country to legalize same-sex marriage

Other countries followed Denmark and gave some rights to same-sex partners.

However, the Netherlands was the first to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001. This was a historic moment for the LGBTQ+ community

After that, more countries decided to follow the example of the Netherlands and grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples.



After Belgium (2003) and Spain (2005) legalized same-sex marriages, many European countries have followed suit and granted equal rights to same-sex couples.

As of today, 21 European countries allow same-sex marriage, mostly in the Northern and Western regions.

However, not all of Europe is supportive of LGBT rights. In some Eastern European countries, same-sex couples face discrimination and hostility.

North America


In North America, Canada was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2005.

Many states of United States also had it legalized, but it was until 2015 that the Supreme Court ruled it as the fundamental right for same-sex couples which made the country-wide legalization.

So far, 5 countries in North America including Mexico and Costa Rica have legalized same-sex marriage.

South America


In South America, Argentina was the first countries to legalize same-sex marriage (2010). The continent celebrates wide victory since then, 6 out of 14 countries have made it legalized.



In Africa, South Africa legalized the same-sex marriage in 2006 after the Supreme Court ruling. It remains to be the only country in the continent to enjoy the rights.

Life is difficult for gay and lesbian couples in some of the African countries, with governments enforcing criminal punishment for homosexuality, which has raised serious human rights concerns.



In Asia, Taiwan is the first and only country which legalized same-sex marriage in 2019 after a ruling from its Supreme Court. The continent remains to be largely conservative, with some countries still having punishement toward LGBT people.

However, more and more progress had been made in the region. In 2023, following a Supreme Court ruling of Nepal, Nepal could soon become the second country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

Some developments in India, Philippines and Thailand have been made, and they could be the next country to legalize same-sex marriage.



In Oceania, following New Zealand which legalized same-sex marriage in 2013, Australia joined the league in 2017 after a nationwide referendum.

Legalizing same-sex marriage is a significant step for a country. It shows respect for the human rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

People who love someone of the same sex can finally celebrate their relationship openly and legally. No more hiding, no more fear.

More and more nations are following this path of inclusion and equality.
